React Ag-Grid

If you're working with large data sets in Ag-Grid, there are several tips and tricks that can help improve rendering performance:
Use the rowBuffer property to increase the number of rows that are pre-rendered. This can significantly reduce the time it takes for the grid to render large data sets.
<AgGridReact rowData={data} rowBuffer={100} />
Use the immutableData property if your data set is not going to change. This can improve the overall performance of the grid by reducing the amount of time it takes to render each row.
<AgGridReact rowData={data} immutableData={true} />
Use suppressAnimationFrame to disable animation frames when rendering. This can improve the overall performance of the grid, especially when there are a large number of rows.
<AgGridReact rowData={data} suppressAnimationFrame={true} />
Use maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests to control the number of concurrent requests made to the server when using server-side pagination. This can help prevent the grid from becoming unresponsive when working with large data sets.
<AgGridReact rowData={data} maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests={2} />
By implementing these tips and tricks, you can significantly improve the rendering performance of Ag-Grid when working with large data sets.
Get all rows
export const getAllNodes = (gridApi: ObjectWithKey): ObjectWithKey[] => { const rowData: ObjectWithKey[] = []; gridApi.forEachNode((node: ObjectWithKey) => rowData.push(; return rowData; };
Get rows count
const totalRows = gridAPI.getDisplayedRowCount();
Flash any cell
/** Get RowNode model */ const rowNode = gridAPI.getRowNode(; if (rowNode) { /** Flash row to indicate inserted item */ gridAPI.flashCells({ rowNodes: [rowNode], flashDelay: 3000 }); }
Edit and go to next cell in Row

Autocomplete Editor

Autocomplete Editor
Clear All the filter
gridRef.current!.api.setFilterModel() const clearFilters = useCallback(() => { gridRef.current!.api.setFilterModel(null); }, []);
Set background color to editable Cell
cellStyle: (params: any) => { if ( !!hasPermission && GridViewType.GROUP === gridView && !== 'address' ) { return { backgroundColor: '#fbfbfb' }; } },
Automating Ag-Grid
window.findReactComponent = function(el){ for(const key in el) { console.log(key); if(key.startsWith('__reactEventHandlers$')){ const fiberNode = el[key]; return fiberNode; } } } ƒ (el){ for(const key in el) { console.log(key); if(key.startsWith('__reactEventHandlers$')){ const fiberNode = el[key]; return fiberNode; } } } var grid = document.getElementById("myGrid"); undefined var reactGrid = findReactComponent(grid) VM355:3 __reactInternalInstance$lh7grwvvmkq VM355:3 __reactEventHandlers$lh7grwvvmkq undefined var props = reactGrid.children.props undefined var columnCount = props.gridOptions.columnDefs.length undefined columnCount 6 props.gridOptions.api.selectAll() undefined const rowData = []; undefined props.gridOptions.api.forEachNode(function (node) { rowData.push(; }); undefined props.gridOptions.api.applyTransaction({ remove: rowData });